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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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new blade

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hey everyone, i just broke my blade in a game, and need a new one. I have a jr. z-bubble (suks, cuz i cant get a Lidstrom) I'm looking for a composite blade, I play defense.

any help is appreciated thanks!

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I doubt it. I've never seen a McCauley blade from Mission and Brind'amours (if they exist) seem to be very difficult to find. If you have your heart set on a Lidstrom why do you need a composite? Why not go with a wood blade. In a Jr. Shaft it may be the best option for your wants, and really, your development.

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i do agree, it's just i don't like the feeling of the blade weighing down the shaft so much. If I went to a wood blade, i would just scrap a composite shaft and get a wood sick just so the balance is better.

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yay! i know this hasn't been uptaded in ages, but i just wanted to let you guys after having to buy curves that i don't like because they're the only ones that come in a jr. (modo, shanny) i found a nike jr Brind'amour. Its soooooo sweet! and I never thought i'd find one too

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