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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockeyvideo Thread

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Hi there.

I used to collect hockeyvideos but after a crash a lot of files were gone.. including my hockeyvideos.

Anyway, i used the search and i couldnt find any video thread, so lets make one!

Post cool videos here!

(If there is one and i was blind, give it to me ;))

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Heres a short clip of a kid on my team..


WOW! that's pretty impressive!

All that dancing means nothing without the finish... He should of whent roof on the back hand instead of trying to hot dog it tru the golies crease...

I don't care if you can shake 5 guys on the Ice, if you did not even get a shot off, you're just a good figure skater and you're wasting energy :lol:

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if you goto cbc website you will see that it is a championship game, probablly has alot to do with the crowd. lol, here in oklahoma, you would never see a crowd like that, maybe at a chl game but nothing highschool for sure.

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Nice link, not too mention I forgot that Sportsnet is carrying the Rimouski vs Gatineau game tomorrow night, should be a good game. Rimouski is 10-0-0-0 in the last 10 games, 11 wins in a row and 14 game undefeated, not to mention some kid named Sidney Crosby is their star player.

vid link http://hockeyfighters.com/

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