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Peter Forsberg

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Who thinks that he will come back to play after the lockout? I personally hope that he comes back. Everyone just beats on him, so there is no guarantee. Thanks

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I really don't think he'll come back. The Swedes are very loyal to their country, and he has said that he wants to finish his career in his home country. He has nothing left to prove in the NHL, so I don't see any real reason dragging him back.

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Nazzy has no Stanley Cups, so I can't imagine him leaving any time soon, especially when Vancouver is building a really good contender around him.

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If any type of hard cap is put in place, I doubt he will be back. Good teams won't be able to afford him and why would he want to come back and play for a bad team? I honestly don't think it's about the money for him and that's anotehr reason I think he will stay over there. Plus his contract will not let him out to finish the season over here.

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Great quote from THN this week:

Forsberg has been a bit inconsistant, but when he wants to play, Modo wins.

Also let me clarify, playing at home for a discount seems to be ok with him. I wouldn't expect the same from him over here.

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Forsberg won't be coming back. He made it very clear that he would be going back to Sweden and not returning to the NHL. As for Naslund, I sure hope he comes back to the NHL and plays for the Canucks again. However, he was dropping hints that when his contract was up he may return to Sweden for good. I believe he still has 05/06 on his contract, but after that...who knows if he'll stay around, stanley cup or not.

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I doubt Forsberg will return. He's like the equivalent of Gretzky to Canada.

I actually heard Sundin is held at a higher standard among Sweedish fans. This was during the olympics, so it was '02, but they were saying how odd it is that Foppa is regarded as the best NHLer, but Sundin is regarded as the best Swede.

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Thats what my friend from Sweden said. He compared Forsberg to Lemieux, and Sundin to Gretzky. Foppa=Lemieux- amazing when he plays, but doesn't play enough to be considered the best. I still think that outside of Toronto and its fans, Sundin is one of, if not the most underrated NHLer.

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