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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Just got my Bauer 20-90's...

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My Bauer 20-90's came today and they're great, fit my like a glove except the toe cap is WAY too narrow. Can I get the toe cap punched out or would having it punched out cause the toe cap to break since it's solid plastic? It's the border of where the toecap meets the rest of the boot on the side of the skates where it's giving me problems. I was thinking mabye I could have the toe cap heated up with a heat gun right before the skates go into the stretching machine so the plastic will be slightly pliable in order to ensure they don't crack.

What do you guys think? Anything else I can do?

Damn I wish Bauer would just make their inline skates in a E or EE width.

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Yeah I've had mine for a few weeks but am still encoutering sore arches. I tend to ache for a good hour then it sorta numbs and goes away. Can't offer you much advice with the skate but I too wish they had some other widths :(

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My buddy is switching to Missions b/c he could never get foot pain to go away even witth baking. He says they are stiffer than most ice skates he has worn

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The 20-90's fit identical to my ice 80-90's (they definitely are not stiffer though), I just wish the 20-90's were wider. The width of the entire skate is good except for a small part of the forefoot, so at least it's not like the entire skate is too narrow.

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Yeah I've had mine for a few weeks but am still encoutering sore arches. I tend to ache for a good hour then it sorta numbs and goes away. Can't offer you much advice with the skate but I too wish they had some other widths :(

If you're having severe arch pain, you probably have a very flat foot. Bauer skates have pretty medium-large sized built in arch in the insole, one of the main reasons I chose the 20-90's over any other skate since I have a big arch, but if you've got flat feet there's nothing you can really do except mabye buy a new pair of insoles which somewhat evens out the instep.

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I had a bit of pain from my newish 20-70s for the first couple of weeks I wore them. After skating, my feet would be pretty tender.

But the pain's gone now, and they feel fantastic! :D

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I took a disc brake pad spreader and put it inside my boot with a small wood block and spread my toe cap out on a couple of pairs of skates I had some time ago. I'd spread it out and let the skates sit for about a week or so. (a week may be overkill, but I had more than one pair of skates, so I let these sit) Then, I'd try the fit, if it needed more, I spread them more. Just make sure that the spreader is opening the correct area where the toe cap is closet to the boot.

Worked great.

disk pad spreader

I know shops like Kragen and Grand Auto sells these, as well as most auto part stores.

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