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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Innovative Stick Lies

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Is there a place I can go to find various lies on Innovative Sticks? I'm particularly interested in the lie on the Federov Intermediate 1100.

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Just curious, but what is the SOURCE of this stick lie chart on modsquad. Innovative lies are showing in the 4's for most sticks which is highly unusual.

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Personal experience. Chadd did alot of them and he's really good with blades. He knows how to measure them out, and read a lie on its own, but also compares them to other brands. It is odd that they have some so low, but it is also really nice for some others.

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Just curious, but what is the SOURCE of this stick lie chart on modsquad. Innovative lies are showing in the 4's for most sticks which is highly unusual.

I too am leary about all these lies...Each company seems to be on a different scale...much like the flex of their shafts. It's odd how my CCM Recchi (lie 6) truly has a lie between the Easton Modano (lie 5) and the Easton Sakic (lie 5.5).

I have used all 3 of the aforementioned blades at one time or another. My Modano wears in the center of the blade, My Recchi wears in the center of the blade, but the Sakic wears on the heel.

Their needs to be a universal scale for these things...and if the current scale already is universal, these companies need to stop lying...pardon the pun.

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Just got back from the show and hehateme is on the right track however, all I saw were 4, 5, and 6 lies for each pattern. Not sure if they are making half lies or not but OPS and blades will be available in your favorite pattern with a choice of different lies.

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That's great about the Innovative stick lies. The only problem is will you be able to find the product? t's tough enough finding their sticks in ANY lie.

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Just got back from the show and hehateme is on the right track however, all I saw were 4, 5, and 6 lies for each pattern. Not sure if they are making half lies or not but OPS and blades will be available in your favorite pattern with a choice of different lies.

is this for the six retail patterns they had for last year, or were there any different patterns?

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for the new year Inno will offer all curves in a 4.5 Lie, and a 5.5 lie.

Sorry to bring up an old topic. I was looking at some Innovative blades and there were no identifier on them as to what the lie was. The Fedorovs they had seemed to all be identical in lie to the Modano. Is each curve still available in different lies ? The salesguy at my LHS didn't seem to know, and Innovative's website is pretty non-informative. Further, sites like epuck do not list options for lie. Or, was the "new year" in the quoted post referring to 2006 ?

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