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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synegy warenty?

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i just broke my synergy and when i send it back to easton, what will i get as a replacment?? another synergy or something else since the new line is coming out?

has anyone broke their synergys lately??

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so how do yu send the broken easton stick?? i heard you have to be extremely careful about sending it because its really subjective.....i heard if you do anything to the broken stick right after it breaks then easton wont send you another one

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so how do yu send the broken easton stick?? i heard you have to be extremely careful about sending it because its really subjective.....i heard if you do anything to the broken stick right after it breaks then easton wont send you another one

I broke mine and only sent in 3/4 of my stick because the other 1/4 of it got lost somewhere after it was broken (I think the refs tossed it over the boards and it got thrown away) and they still accepted mine.

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It'll depend on what they have in stock.

Does anyone else feel Easton is going to get alot of faulty broken sticks in the near future?

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no um not gonna fraud them i dnt even have a easton stick i was just wondering cause my friend just broke a grip and the store told him to send it back himself

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