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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Response XN10 Weight

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Is the blade of the XN10 one piece suppose to feel really heavy? when i pick up the stick it feels like the blade weighs alot and overall the stick doesn't feel very light?

anyone else encounter this before?

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No. If anything, the XN10 OPS is blade lighter (higher balance point) than the typical OPS. I'm not aware of any blade that is lighter than the R2 composite blade (same blade as in the XN10 OPS).

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No. If anything, the XN10 OPS is blade lighter (higher balance point) than the typical OPS. I'm not aware of any blade that is lighter than the R2 composite blade (same blade as in the XN10 OPS).

if that was so then it would feel very very balanced. I have found blade heavy sticks to feel very heavy.

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Is the blade of the XN10 one piece suppose to feel really heavy? when i pick up the stick it feels like the blade weighs alot and overall the stick doesn't feel very light?

anyone else encounter this before?

How much did you cut it down?

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i didn't cut it down at all

the end plug is still in..its a retail senior

Then you got one that was screwed up. They are not blade heavy sticks.

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Is the blade of the XN10 one piece suppose to feel really heavy? when i pick up the stick it feels like the blade weighs alot and overall the stick doesn't feel very light?

anyone else encounter this before?

They must have screwed up on a couple. My xn10 felt blade heay also. My response + feels better balanced then it to tell you the truth.

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wow i used this stick for practice tonight..and i change my opinions about this stick..the blade didn't feel heavy at all..i cut about an inch off the plug..taped on a solid grip..and the stick feels very balanced and shoots rockets! its gonna be hard for the stealth to top this when mine comes in..

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