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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Detroit, I need your help!

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As some, most, or maybe even all of you may know by now, I am a huge University of Michigan fan. The game against MSU is airing on FSN Detroit this Friday night. Great, right?

Wrong. Unfortunately, I live in WNY, which means no game for me (well, I have a game of my own that night, so there will be a game for me, just not the UM game ;) ) I was hoping that one of you guys from the Motown area would be willing to tape the game and ship the tape out here. Obviously, I would pay for the cost of the tape/shipping/your time; probably via money order. I know this is a little unusual, but I'd really like to actually see the game, as opposed to listening to the audio feed (as I have been doing all year when I have been home at game-time), and desperate times call for desperate measures. Plus, I'm not going to lie to you, I'd like to see what the "Maize Out" ends up looking like.

I'd appreciate it if anyone who would like to help me out here would PM me so we can hammer out any details. Thanks, boys.

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