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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Where to swap holders/chassis in Vancouver?

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I just bought a pair of Supreme 5000 Jr's, and I want to swap the holders for E-Frames I'm getting. Two questions:

1) Where's a good reliable place to get it done at?

2) Do the holes line up? If not they're gonna have to drill right?

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I had my Grafs sent up a few years ago to have Tuuks put on them to The Hockey Shop. I don't know exactly how far away that is from where you are, but they did an amazing job at a very good price ($75 US for everything). If that place is too far away for you, I would definitely trust the guys at Cyclone Taylors.

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Depends on the store. Sometimes they'll do it cheaper if they can keep the ones they are swapping out (and they aren't used) others will charge regardless. I paid $120 for my LightSpeeds.

$30 for each holder and $30 for the steel. They threw in the installation.

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