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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Changing Nike chassis?

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I have an old pair of Nikes (Quest 1s I think) that have just about had it. I mainly use them for outdoor but sometimes for indoor to because I love the Nike boot. Now the chassis are the part that have just about had it, and they creak and moan every time I stand on them. Not to mention they are scratched to hell. I would really like to put some new chassis on them for a good secondary pair of skates. So that brings me to 3 questions.

1. First off is it possible to take the old chassis off and put on a new one?

2. If possible is it easy?

3. If I can do it how do I know what chassis fits on them?

o0o yeah I know this is alot of questions already but I am fairly new to this board and I was gonna post some pics of the skates but realized I have no idea how to put pictures in my post. Thanks

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Here are some pics

C:\Documents and Settings\Barry.VALUED-20606295\My Documents\My Pictures\2005_0204Image\2005_0204Image0009.JPG

C:\Documents and Settings\Barry.VALUED-20606295\My Documents\My Pictures\2005_0204Image\2005_0204Image0006.JPG

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Im gonna say that it is something wrong witht the boot/rivets that are making it creek and moan. The chassis are probaly alright except for being scratched up. Its also pretty easy to change a chassis. Any local lhs should be able to change a chassis for you. Would probaly be between 20.00 and 30.00 bucks.

What size are the boots?

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If someone will do it for less than $50.00 ..feel free to take advantage of them.....They have to remove your old rivets and chassis from your no doubt very sanitary skates, and then repeat the process in reverse....It can take 3 hours sometimes..depends how agreeable the old rivets are, plus having to drill and align a new hole pattern. No two pairs seem to be the same, plus the chassis' do not always line up where you want them to on the boots.

My son's team mates or rather their parents loved to suggest I do their skates too while I was doing my son's, so I held a clinic and let them do it themselves one time. They never asked me again, not did they bother doing it themselves either after that. :rolleyes:, afterwards they were a bit embarrassed to hand over only $25.00 to the proshop for the work (6 - 8 years ago)

I think some proshop's undercharge for this service, just because they are embarrassed to admit how long it can really take....If they charged you $25.00 an hour for their time....then you would certainly almost always be looking at $50.00 - $75.00 for this service.

I had a pair of new skates take me almost 10 hours one time, but I had to remove the replacement chassis from a pair of new skates, as well as remove the chassis from the new boots...but it was more because the new rivets were so stubborn to remove.

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