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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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A question for Justin on the S500

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Am I to understand that Mission made the area where the toe cap joins the boot wider on the S 500 than it was on the Pure Fly? I have 10.5 EE Pure Fly's and I love them except they're too tight at that spot. I've actually left the bottom eyelets unlaced to give me some relief there but I'm worried that it's gonna break down the boot faster.

Would a S500 in a 10.5 EE be wider there? By how much? Does Mission make them any wider than a EE (my shoes are EEEE!) or is that a custom job? How does one go about getting a custom job done? I'm taking my Flly's in today for a holder replacement (cracked) and to have the rivets tightened on the other so hopefully I'll be able to try some on for future reference.

Sorry if this has been discussed before but I couldn't find specific answers to my questions. Thanks

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