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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graf G-35 Revisions

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I recieved my warrantee replacement G-35s last night (FINALLY, after well over a month). I have noticed a few small differences:

- Outsole seems to be slightly thinner and better laminated

- Sole seems to be re-enforced by some kind of hardened white substance (almost looks like film left behind by masking tape - doesn't feel like it, though)

- Padding on tongue seems thicker (I didn't think it was possible!)

- Zig-Zag stitching seems more "spaced out"

- Looks to me as though the boot is better planted into outsole

Does anybody know if Graf is re-launching the G-Series with all of there little changes? I'll post any other differences I can find...

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