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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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nike curves

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I searched the patttern db, but nike isnt listed, and the only bauer curve kind of similiar to the drury pattern is p106. Is there a nike pattern on the apollo blade that is similar to a drury?

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is that available on the apollo? i know its available on the ops, but im unsure about the blade. Also i was able to find the nike patterns on a site, and it looks like the pm6/p91 is a YP, correct?http://www.2playhockey.com/BauerNike_NikeIntermediateQuestApolloStick.html

and on a side note, is there any tps yp pattern? THe closes i found was a morrow, which to me looked more like a milder version of the lidstrom

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Also i was able to find the nike patterns on a site, and it looks like the pm6/p91 is a YP, correct?http://www.2playhockey.com/BauerNike_NikeIntermediateQuestApolloStick.html

and on a side note, is there any tps yp pattern?  THe closes i found was a morrow, which to me looked more like a milder version of the lidstrom

1. Yes, for the most part. The actual YP itself is not as open and doesn't curve as much as their retail derivatives.

2. Not at retail level. Pro pattern P19 is a YP afaik.

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The Morrow is very close to the Drury curve, but not so much the profile. I always place the Morrow with the Drury and Tucker with Lidstrom when I am comparing Easton with TPS.

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