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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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hockey2 site?

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I came across this site today, and it had alot of good prices on equipment, you may be familiar with it already, but it was the first time i saw it. They had synthesis grips for $100, and easton air gloves for $59.


They also have the ultra lite grip (red)$88 and the RBK 5K for the same price, but it wont be delivered until march/april. Has anyone ordered from them?

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I've gotten a few of their catalogues before, but I'm not sure if I have ever ordered from there. However, it is one of the sites I go to to look for things I cant find on other sites.

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I've bought from them before, good service. Plus like sniper said I've been able to find stuff there that I could find elsewhere.

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I've bought quite a few things from them and love 'em. They ship quickly and they are priced very well. If I can't get it at Icewarehouse.com, (free shipping on anything you order), I look at these guys next.

Their best deals are in the clearence section. It comes in waves of having great buys and then nothing, but when they come through they are good! It's worth watching.

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www.Inlinewarehouse.com has the some of the best prices on the web, and free shipping as well....Geared more towards roller hockey, but they have synergy's and other nice stuff as well

WingsVK97, just found out inlinewarehouse is the icewarehouse's brother site lol

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