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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Firefox Question

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does anyone know why the scroll lock button by the mouse buttons doesn't work in firefox? it works in IE, but i can't get it to scan down the page in firefox. weird...

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funny, it works with all of my machines. have you tried loading the latest drivers? Also check the advanced tab under tools, options. Make sure one of the scrolling options is selected.

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funny, it works with all of my machines. have you tried loading the latest drivers? Also check the advanced tab under tools, options. Make sure one of the scrolling options is selected.

i tried checking for a scrolling option...but there isn't one in there...and what kind of drivers are you talking about? I'm using an IBM a20m notebook...and the scrolling works fine in IE 6...just can't figure out why Firefox isn't doing it...i can hit the down arrows, but that's annoying...i like the scroll lock button...

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ok chadd...found the scrolling options...somehow i missed them the first time. But that still isn't working...i've tried every combination of "auto scrolling" and "smooth scrolling"...

so perhaps someone can help with the drivers? am i needing ibm drivers? or are there some sort of firefox drivers? i just find it weird that it works for IE & not firefox...thanks in advance for the help though...

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