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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Holder/Runner questions

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I've got a pair of Eason Z-Air from 2001. I have RazorBlades holders on them right now, but I am thinking of switching to another holder/runner combination.

I've read the posts about the new Synergys and people switching the Razors out, but that is a totally different skate than what I have; there is no way I can afford to go out and blow that kind of money on my skates right now.

So, has anybody out there with a pair of Z-Airs switched from the stock Easton stuff to a TUUK Custom + or a TUUK Lightspeed setup? I'm wondering what the difference in handling is (stuff like turning, forward lean, stiffness, etc.)

For that matter, are there any other set-ups you guys would suggest?

I'm 5'5" - 165 lbs, and a slightly above average skater. I need something that keeps me on my toes.

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I haven't personally skated on the Razors but most of my customers have switched to another holder. You can't go wrong with a Tuuk or Lightspeed conversion. I'm sure you'll get the standard "t-blade" and Mission Pitch holder recommendations from the BB die-hards, but whatever you choose, if you want a forward pitch have your blades profiled (rockered) by a competent shop.

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Make sure you take your skates to a quality hockey shop that knows how to switch the holders correctly. If it is not done right you can be stuck with warped steel. In my opinion, you can never go wrong with Tuuk Custom Plus holders. Also, you can look into lifts on Tuuk's if you want to be on your toes even more. The lifts do the same as the Mission Pitch holder.

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Thanks for the advice! I'll be switching to Custom Plus holders and have the new runners done with a shorter rocker setup than what I have now.

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I made the switch the other way, from mission amp-3's with Tuuk custom+ to easton airs with the razor II's. I found that the tuuks held their sharpening much longer, which was nice. The main difference i found was that when skating with the eastons, there is a noticeable change in the amount of edge I felt in my stride and my turns. The razors feel to me like they are sliding across the ice instead of digging into it as much as the tuuks. I felt that i don't get as much "dig" on my stride that I got with tuuks, but i get about the same amount of "dig" on turns.

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Thanks for the observations!

I've never really had a problem in the stride, more in the turns, however that's got just as much to do with not having a sharp edge as anything else. I was going to switch because my runner/blade keeps coming loose from the holder. I even replaced the left side already because of that. But after reading about other people having the same problem, I just used some locktite and it cleared that issue right up.

It seems the performance issue is minimal, and if you aren't a pro skater then what's the difference, right?

So, now I'm keeping the Razors and replacing the original right side with an extra Razor II holder and new steel the company sent me by mistake. I don't think I want to drill a hole in my boots to install the TUUK blade on the holder.

Sorry Zak, not right now. I doubt they would fit you anyway. Size 254 mm.

If I change my mind I'll let you know.

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