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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best Place For Pro Return Equipment

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I didn't know if there were any good sites out there for Pro Return stuff, I know of Goalie Heavan on eBay, but I did't know if there were any others. I'm looking for a Chicago shell in particular.

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I bought a bunch of Bernie Nicholls sticks at their officals store last time I was in Chicago. It´s located in downtown Chicago and called Hawkquarters. They have gloves, skates,....not sure about shells but give them a call and you´ll see. hawkquarters

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they dont have any easton blades right now, i dont think(on ebay anyway). they had a ton of prostocks after the season during the summer. they sold me two tom poti chrome alumninum shafts, without telling me they required special blades. i cant use them unless i shave down a wood blade. sythesis ones dont really work. when i went back to them about it, they wouldnt reply. im not a fan after that, but they do carry a ton of pro return stuff when its around.

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Weird you mentioned that, because I was in a tourney this weekend, a guy was going to grab a Poti blade, but it wouldn't fit into a standard shaft and it wasn''t a tapered blade.

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Does anyone know what patterns are available for the synergies, Vapor XXs, or the Synthesis blades at eastwesthockey?

You have to call them.

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Weird you mentioned that, because I was in a tourney this weekend, a guy was going to grab a Poti blade, but it wouldn't fit into a standard shaft and it wasn''t a tapered blade.

ironic. im sure they are somewhere. i was pretty upset they wouldnt even respond to me.

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they dont have any easton blades right now, i dont think(on ebay anyway). they had a ton of prostocks after the season during the summer. they sold me two tom poti chrome alumninum shafts, without telling me they required special blades. i cant use them unless i shave down a wood blade. sythesis ones dont really work. when i went back to them about it, they wouldnt reply. im not a fan after that, but they do carry a ton of pro return stuff when its around.

I bought one of the Poti's from them a few months ago and I didn't have a problem with any standard blades fitting in the shaft. I used a Koho Poti pattern, a standard Hull pro return and a hybrid drury all without problems

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i cant fit any composite blades at all. wood ones will go in, some with a little elbow grease. some need to be shaved - but synthesis is too small, focus flex too big. do yours say z bubble?

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Yeah, the Aluminum shaft with the Z-Bubble Graphics. The Hull blade is a composite and I had no trouble at all putting that one in or taking it out.

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