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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Roberts curve

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Innovative Roberts curve isn't in the data base and 1800faceoff.com has them. The guy there told me it's a Mid closed 1/2" but didn't know the lie. Is anyone familiar with this or know the lie? and is it what he said it was? :)

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The Roberts Hespeler pattern that I had on my Alpha Nemesis was about a 3/8'' to 1/2'' curve with a closed face and a lie of 5.5 or 6. It didn't say the lie on it. Innovative is known for their low lies though. The highest that they have listed on the Pattern DB is 6 for the Berehowsky. All the rest are 5.5 or lower. Sorry, that's all the info I can give you. I will say that the Hespeler Roberts pattern is one of the best patterns I've tried. Maybe it was just the stick, but I really liked it.

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