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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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boot flex in 2003 mission d1s

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I just noticed the other day when I was skating with my d1's that the outsole is flexing a whole bunch. The rivets and chassis are all in place and not loose but the entire outsole of my boot has a noticable flex in it against the rest of the boot. I don't notice a difference skating I only realized the problem after taking them off and manually flexing the outsole with my hand. I have only been skating in these for about a year(pretty heavily though) and I'm not a big guy(5' 8" about 140 lbs.) and I was just wondering if anyone else had this problem or if indeed it even is a problem?



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Yea I'm real careful to dry them out all the time. I left my previous pair of Wicked Lights in my bag once and my bearings got totally rusted so I made sure to always air my skates out. The boot as a whole seems stiff still, just the outsole flexing, the more i look at it, it almost looks like the outsole is separating from the carbon fiber at the very bottom of the back of the boot.

EDIT: Yea I just checked them again. Both boots at the rear of the outsole definately separate from the boot when I twist the chassis. Like I said before, I dont notice much of a difference when I'm skating in them but who knows, I may just be used to the flexing so I don't notice it.

Has anyone had much experience with Mission and warrantly replacements. I looked back and figured out that I ordered the skates in september 2003 so about a year and 4 months ago. Any chance I could get a replacement boot?

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These skates have been known to seperate from the outsole, I'd say so long as you haven't had them since 03 you'd be in for a warranty replacement of some kind.

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These skates have been known to seperate from the outsole, I'd say so long as you haven't had them since 03 you'd be in for a warranty replacement of some kind.

Hmm, alright, well I'll try to scrounge up the receipt and contact mission CS.



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I would doubt it but you could try. This has been a problem with inline hockey boots for years, and some makes seem to be a little more prone to it than others...

Because the game is played at much warmer temperatures, perspiration generated from inline hockey seems to be greater than from ice hockey, although some ice skates have had the same problems. The causticity of this perspiration can of course be offset by proper drying of the boots at least to some extent, but most players I know simply leave their boots and equipment in the bag after use...no matter how many protest otherwise..(particularily when mom and dad are paying for the equipment)

The use of treated Cambelle liners could help to offset this, as that material is used to combat the various biological agents generated from perpiration, and extend the life of the boot..as well as reducing the odor...Just figure on paying a premium for the boot over one equipped with the regular liners. This is the stuff used in rental skates to prevent the transfer of infection form one rentor to another, as well as extend the life of the boot.

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I had a pair of 2003 Mission D1's, they were awesome to play in. until they did exactly what yours seem to have done. the boot started to tear away from the sole of the boot. not the chassis coming away but the sole itself! i thought it was just mine but then my mates did it too. then i had a Pair Of 2003 mission RX (low ranges skates i had as spare) did the same. ive uses lots of mission roller hockey skates and theyre great for performance but all the ones since 2002/3 have had a pretty poor durability. im just waiting to see if the heliums are any different.

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Alriight, well thanks for all the replies, its nice to see that I'm not the only one that has had this problem. Like I said right now it is more of a mind thing that I am worrying about and I don't notice much of a difference but it is really gonna suck if one of my boots decides to detach itself in the middle of a game.

Also, I just have to add that this forum is awesome. I have been reading threads for awhile but just haven't become a member until now. Thanks!

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I just called Mission CS. They were real nice about it but they said they couldn't do anything for me since they were bought in 2003. Oh well, so now for the next question.

What skates should I get for my next pair. Right now I am trying to decide between the 2004 D1c's or the 2005 He750. What do you guys think? I would love to get He950's but I really don't want to spend $400 on skates.

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I'd go with the d1cs, they were a top of the line boot, and you can find them for less than he750s

Yea currently it breaks down like this:

$200 for D1C,

$240 for CCM pf8(I haven't tries these but from I read they are nice),

$300 for he750,

$360 for he950.

I just dont want the same problems from my 03 D1s to show up in the D1Cs. Also, other than weight what are the advantages of the helium boot series over the D*C series?

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