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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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marek svatos

iriver h320 mps player

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i have windows Me and cant seem to get my iriver h320 working. i dont know much about it and if someone could give me some tips on how they got theres going (ie: locate it on my computer to begin putting songs onto it) would be great. a general review would be nice as i havent bought it yet.

thx any help is appreciated.

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Windows ME? I think you should update to XP first... but generally they will come with some software that you install on your computer to transfer songs. Usually they arent too hard to figure out.

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Shouldn't have to upgrade to XP, but you do have to install the software that you get with it.

I was just saying in general he should update to XP its sooo much better. I hated ME...

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if all the drivers are installed and its plugged into the USB shouldent it show up as drive E: or F: in My Computer? if you find it in there all you need to do is drag and drop songs onto it

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If it acts like a portable hard drive then yes...if not he has to install the software and use the music manager.

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