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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Z-air comp and synthesis skates

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Are the z-air comp'04 worth the extra money? Are they that much better than the synthesis '04 that the $100 jump is nessesary? Im looking at this performance wise only not based on what fits my feet..for the hundreds of you that have to tell that to someone every other day.. :D Im planning on trying both on and if the z-air feel better i'll go ahead with the extra money but i was just wondering about if the synthesis is even worth it...

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I'm afraid that your out of luck on the synthesis skates..there are synergy skates though :P . I haven't tried synergy skates but I would suggest you wait for someone who has.

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No I dont think hes out of luck. I think the Synthesis skates were a SMU version of the '04 Z-air comps. Havent tried them though but I do own a pair of '04 Z-air comps and I was a little bit disappointed in them.

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Yea I'm not a fan of easton skates either but damn they look nice.

Edit:Just checked the specs and almost half of them say Z-air....(footbed, metal matrix etc). They look identical as well.

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^im going to get sized tomorrow night then im going to look for a deal some where if the store price isnt to good. that is a great deal though if they do end up having my size.

any other opinions on the z-air comp skates??

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