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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Heat Molding Gloves

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I want to heat mold my Sande Max720s, but unfortunately they came with no instructions, and I have a game in about 2.5 hrs.

Anyone have any advice? (I do have a skate oven I can access easily)

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I put my Eastons and MSH Mission 750s in the oven for 5-6min at 125-150. Wear them untill they cool down and it helps especially with the stiffness in the fingers. Skate oven would work well, too. Good luck tonight.

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As a disclaimer for the people in charge of the Mod Squad....

NEVER EVER, EVER PUT YOUR HOCKEY GLOVES IN A REGULAR OVEN. It could damage the gloves or worse yet, start a fire.

Moulding Directions

Hockey Gloves with Heat Moldable material are meant for Hockey Skate ovens. The gloves need about 3-5 on med-high. Take out and shape the gloves to your liking. Mainly, manipulate the foams(the high mouldable component). Heating them hotter will not make them more mouldable. Wear them while they cool so they keep to shape.

Gloves should not be used a for about an hour after being molded.

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