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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Lightspeed 2's

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I thought about getting some LS 2's installed on my G3's but the dude at my lhs said that Graf boots have a forward pitch built into them and that by having the LS's on them would be overkill. Is this true? JR, any insight or suggestions?

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Seriously though, does anybody know if it would be bad to have the LS 2's installed on my G3's? I don't mean to be impatient but my skates will be arriving any day now. I think I might skate once with the cobra's to seee what they are like.

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your skates will be fine. my freind put lightspeeds on his graf 705's and he loved them. there noti going to feel just like your skate is now, but its not going to be hard to get used to.

and on the other topic, they dont make black lightspeeds

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They dont make black ones, so I am guessing so.

Anyways it isn't overkill. I have lightspeeds on both pairs of my grafs.

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bauer freak, you are right about the new steel wich is suppose to be better, but they also have red logos instead of grey and below the cutouts in the holders, there used to be 4 or 5 notches , then the steel .they got rid of those notches also

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