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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Inter Blades?

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I was planning to buy an Intermediate shaft, and use it for outside, when I went looking for Inter ABS blades for it, I couldnt find them. Then I looked for any standered Inter blades at all and couldnt find any. Are standered blades made in Intermediate at all? The only blades I have seen in Inter are Tapered blades. Also if there are no standered Inter blades what do I put in the shaft? Senior? Junior?

Sorry if I am missing something here :P

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I don't think Easton ever made ABS blades in intermediate since intermediate sized sticks haven't been around for ages. I'd just go to your LHS and see what they say. If they screw up, it's not your fault = P

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I know that's what you're doing. I was asking forsberg91. For you I already said that I'm pretty sure you need a junior blade. You should just take it to a shop though and see what fits in there.

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It was an intermediate Synergy shaft too. The guy at the store asked me if it was Junior or Inter and said that since its intermediate i have to put a senior blade in it. They only make intermediate blades for tapered sticks. I think that you have to put a Jr. in the tapered end but a Senior in the non tapered end. I could be wrong but thats what the guy in the store said.

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