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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Koho by Lefevre - Worth Anything?

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This is NOT a "for sale" ad. If it's still against the rules, I'll be happy to remove the entire post.

I used these pads for one season of high school hockey 7 years ago. They've been sitting in my basement since then. They're in great condition, as I didn't get much playing time. They were the best you could buy back when I bought them, but I imagine that goalie pad technology has evolved quite a bit since that time.

I'm looking for a rough estimate as to how much they're worth. If you can help, thanks. Like I said, if this is a violation of board rules, I'll take it down.







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Yea, I'll agree they're in pretty good shape. I definately think they're still worth something because not everyone buys brand new hockey equipment. However, as it is like in most things for sale, it's only worth as much as someone is willing to pay.

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$250 max. The technology is outdated and the style too. No one wants old pads. You may find a collector or enthusiest. Old Velo 1's were selling for $600 and they were only 1 yr out of date. I really douby you'll get too much I sold my well used Velo's, 2 yrs old for $300.

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What specific model of pads are they? Koho 500 series maybe? Thats what I had 7 years ago when I was playing HS hockey. Now I'm not trying to make this into a bidding session or a classifieds ad either, but if you send me some pics I might be willing to go upwards of say $300 for them depending on condition, etc.

You can PM me here or email me at mildawg34@hotmail.com :)

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