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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shop in New york

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I'm from long island, a half hour outside the city. I work in the city though. Unfortunately i don't know of any good hocky stores in the city. By "kits" I'm assuming you're referring to jerseys?? Only places I know of are your general sporting goods stores, but its a shot in the dark as to whether they'll even have any jerseys lying around seeing as the season is cancelled. I'll check up on it for you, I've been meaning to look myself anyways.

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In Manhattan, you have Cosby's in the lobbu of MSG and Paragon which is downtown on Broadway.

In Queens, the best place to go is Sports Plus it's in Ridgewood and it easily accessable by the Subway.

Those are the 3 best places in NYC to get hockey gear.

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Cosby's are out of their mind with their prices.

Is Paragon a hockey store or general sports place?? I'll have to check that place out on my lunch break tomorrow :D

Let us know exactly what you're looking to buy over here. That will help me steer you to some good places nearer to where i live. Its only a 40 min train ride. If you let me know what you're lookin to buy i can scout out the local places so you don't waste the trip.

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In Manhattan, you have Cosby's in the lobbu of MSG

Say hi to Bruce... :ph34r:

Hahaha, that brings back such memories of my days working there. Funny story, Matt Schneider when he was on the Rangers came in and needed skates for his wife but wouldn't allow Bruce to fit her, he was like we need to get in and out quick so I wound up doing it. I prob saved him about an hour or two lol.

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Cosby's are out of their mind with their prices.

Is Paragon a hockey store or general sports place?? I'll have to check that place out on my lunch break tomorrow :D

Let us know exactly what you're looking to buy over here. That will help me steer you to some good places nearer to where i live. Its only a 40 min train ride. If you let me know what you're lookin to buy i can scout out the local places so you don't waste the trip.

Cosby's isn't that bad, you just gotta remember that your in midtown so the prices will be a little more than if you went to like Sports Plus in Queens. It's like the same thing with McDonalds, in Midtown a Big Mac meal might be 7 bucks, you come out to Queens and it's like 5.

Paragon has everything, but unlike a Modells or Sports Authority they actually carry good stuff.

Another place is Wonderland Sports at Chelsea Piers, I forgot all about it.

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I believe it!

Bruce tried to keep me in the store for an hour, and I wasn't even buying anything!

Yeah, when someone talks to him he won't shut up. The worst is if someone mentions one of his fave teams (Ravens, Orioles or Rangers). By mistake one time this guy said something about Cal Ripken and Bruce just kept going and going and going.

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For manhattan, paragon and wonderland are the only places to go for the newest stuff. Wonderland def has the better selection of skates. Cosby's is basically in sad sack state right now.

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The fact that they choose to carry some horrid gear year after year doesn't help... I've talked to Bruce while I was in the store. They DO sell out of the new stuff when they get it in-like XXs, but they never get new crap in general and refuse to mark down the older stuff. They do price match, but how the hell do you get them to price match gear that is several years old? They have GI Chelios Synergys which have a glorious curve among some other rather nice gi ops, but they want $200 each for them! I'd bite for $100+tax, but $200+tax is insane. They stopped carrying shafts, which is tragic since they were the only ones who had genuinely good variety when it came to them. I like Cosby's, but that store is in need of some revamping. It's really sucked ever since Bob left and was replaced by some guy who won't grind skates at anything other than 3/8". He was just about the only guy in Manhattan who never gave me a bad grind...

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I'm with you. It is just a shame that there are so few LHS's in the New York area including Long Island. If they had more competition, they would either have to get with the times or just worry about selling jerseys and things like that. Personally, I like just about all of the guys that work in Cosby's and I would rather give a LHS my business than use the internet. That unfortunately is even limited because I will pay a few more bucks and buy the piece of equipment that I tried on in the store but there is no way that I am paying up to $60 more for one piece sticks.

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Yeah, Bob leaving to go work for Rebellion really did hurt them. I worked there for 2 years (99 and 00), I wound up leaving because they really cut back my hours and were giving more hours to people who came after me. I did learn alot from Bob and even Bruce. Who is the new guy?

The last time I went in was early last season on a gamenight and picked up a M-1 only cause they were the only place to have a Carter curve, thank god I still was able to get an employee discount. The stick was marked like 160-170 if I recall.

Well if the same things are still happening now as the were when I worked their, the problem with them getting new stuff is a money issue ala unpaid bills or past due bills. That was one of the reasons why they never had alot of Easton stuff. Most of the Easton stuff they did get was from the local teams that they had connections with. Like I remember getting a few pair of NJD colored gloves from one of the equipment guys from the Devils.

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I'm from long island, a half hour outside the city. I work in the city though. Unfortunately i don't know of any good hocky stores in the city. By "kits" I'm assuming you're referring to jerseys?? Only places I know of are your general sporting goods stores, but its a shot in the dark as to whether they'll even have any jerseys lying around seeing as the season is cancelled. I'll check up on it for you, I've been meaning to look myself anyways.

I actually ment gear not jerseys but thanks anyway :)

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oh ok lol sorry. Im actually from ireland (grew up in the states though). Back there and in other places they refer to uniforms as "kits", so i thought maybe thats what you were talkin about

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I'm with you. It is just a shame that there are so few LHS's in the New York area including Long Island. If they had more competition, they would either have to get with the times or just worry about selling jerseys and things like that. Personally, I like just about all of the guys that work in Cosby's and I would rather give a LHS my business than use the internet. That unfortunately is even limited because I will pay a few more bucks and buy the piece of equipment that I tried on in the store but there is no way that I am paying up to $60 more for one piece sticks.

That's why I buy from E-tailers. The "Local Hockey Shop" here on the Island is blowing out Synergy's 2 for $340.00 They are a freaking rip off. I might as well drive up to Canada if I wanna get ripped off that bad.

God Bless Capitalism and the internet, and no tax when buying from out of state. B)

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