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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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1972 Summit Series

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Been watching the DVD of the 1972 Summit Series and if you think the stick work is bad now...

Has to be one of the most violent series of all time, and Valerie Kharlamov is the original Russian dangler

If you've never seen it, check it out.

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I was only a toddler sleeping in my dad's arms while the games were on, but I 'saw' some of them. It didn't register then, but my parents say I knew what hockey was...

That was a nasty series - Clarke broke Kharlamov's ankle with a slash, Parise went at a ref with his stick just to intimidate him! It was the Cold War played out on an ice rink. Communism vs. Capitalism. Very tense to be in the Russian arenas as a Canadian, not being sure you would get out of the arena, let alone the country!

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I haven't seen all of the games, but I've seen at least part of all of the games. A relative of mine was in the series so my dad went to all 8 games (even in Russia) said it was awesome, but weird as hell.

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