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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sakic si-core pro stock

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Does anyone know what is the flex for this stick? Also, I have the choice between this one and a retail one( 100 flex ) for the same price (190 cnd), someone told me that the pro stock were more durable, is it true?. What are the difference between the two? and which one should I choose?


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If its the real Sakic stick your looking at around a 90 flex with a mid / toe curve and a touch of loft.

More durable ... some say it is but that is open for debate.

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Pro-stocks are not more durable and that is why there is no warantee. They are strictly built for performance, not durability.

They are also built to player specs which often means softening the middle of the shaft which also lends to breakage.

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Most of the time he uses 95. I have one ...

These guys change curves and flexes all the time so its very possible he was using 85 at the time.

Dont ask how many times DeVries changes his pattern. Man his patterns change in a big way.

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