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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Course Selection

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Ok first I am in grade 10 right now. My grade 11 course selection sheet is due next week. I have decided to go for English, Math, Accounting, Law, Phys Ed and Physics. Now I am stuck on my other two options. I am in an advanced program right now that requires you to take a grade 12 history course as well as drama but I am contemplating dropping out of it as I fear these two courses may bring down my overall average. If I were to drop out of the program things would come down to American History with my current History teacher plus the course allows you to take a trip to Washington. Other possible options would be Chemistry or another business or computers course. Also this program is not offered at any other schools so I don't hold an advantage of getting into University. Now I need some advice from some of you who are farther along in school about what I should do. I want to keep as many doors open as possible and after high school I would like to carry on with either math, business or law so which courses should I take to best prepare myself for this?

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Looking through the only benefit I can find is that you can take a first-year university course while still attending high school. I guess that means you do that instead of your two spares in grade 12.

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Just all I can say is keep your options open, but also take courses that interest you. I dont know what your grad requirements are like, but you could try 2 or 3 grade 11 sciences then pick which ever one you liked best to do in grade 12. That is what I am currently doing. Just my 2 cents worth.

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