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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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lightspeed blade

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if you mean in the steel, yes. cobras have a bad rep of having crap steel and not holding an edge very long. thus, you have to get them sharpened alot. the lightspeed are alot lighter that the cobras also. there steel is good. i have them and only have to sharpen them about 1 time a month if that. i skate about 6 hours a week. i would pick the lightspeeds over the cobras anyday

hope that helps

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the lightspeed holder and blade should be lighter than the cobra holder and blade because (some one correct me if im wrong) i think ive read somewere that the cobra holders are solid plastic wheras the lightspeed holders are hollow. then it should come down to weather you want their perf steel or not.

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cobra holders are a lot more solid feeling, because they are solid, and the steel is brittle, and does not hold a deep hollow well. there is more flex in the lightspeed holder, as well, the lightspeed steel is softer, and can hold a deep hollow edge longer.

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