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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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bauer vapour 30

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p106, stiff

Why would he want to get a heel curve if he likes the sakic? the sakic clone, p92, would probably make more sense

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whoa chadd i just looked at ur post count and wow ,anyways the shop only has lindros or jokinin are any of those even close? i liked the jay pandalfo tps pro stock curve and the john madden tps pro stock curve if that helps

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It's close between the two. I would think that Lindros would be closer, but either one you would have to adjust to.

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Like Chadd said the P92 is your best bet. New curve for 05, it's a Sakic clone so it would be perfect. The flex, either a 102 or 112, Bauer's flexes are just 2 higher than on the Easton scale.

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It's up to you. Do you want to get used to a smaller curve, or a less open face? The P88 is the one with a less open face, but a similar sized curve to the Sakic, and the P106 Jokinen is a bit smaller, but has the same open face as a Sakic. The Jokinen is also a mid-heel type curve, but is gradual so it still looks like a mid curve. So whichever is easier for you to get used to--less curve or less open face--is the one you should get.

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Yea I forgot to add in my post... I think the Jokinen would be an easier transition from the Sakic than a Lindros would be.

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