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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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OHL Game worn Allstar Jerserys

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I can't believe Beniot Pouliot's is still at $255.00 considering he is ranked second amongst North American players and a sure fire first round pick. Perry's jersey is now $455.00, must be a lot of Knights fans bidding but they're not bidding on Syrvet who will probably be the better of the two in the long run.

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damn...no Bobby Ryan jersey.....I'd love to get my hands on one of those, considering he's from my hometown, and I know him

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damn...no Bobby Ryan jersey.....I'd love to get my hands on one of those, considering he's from my hometown, and I know him

He should have been there, and would have been there if not for his injury at the time. The kid can play.

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he was injured? wow...didnt hear about that one. yep that kid really can play, i cant wait til he gets to the NHL...when there will be the next draft that is.......

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He was injured in the Top Prospects game, I expect he'll be in the 2006 OHL all-star game. It would have been cool if he was healthy to play in front of the Owen Sound crowd. The team is second to London overall so I think that Owen Sound should get pretty deep into the playoffs this year. Must be some decent hockey in NJ.

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Go for it, if you can get drafted into the OHL you will certainly get a chance to play against the best some of the worlds best junior age players.

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