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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rendezvous 1987

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I was watching some of the Rendezvous 87 NHL v Russian and the commentators were talking about Wayne Gretzky's stick. They made pointed out how he was using a $37 hockey stick. They also commented that as of 1987, Wayne had not broken a stick in his pro career ('79-'87).

They also talked about how the Oilers had a $25,000 budget for sticks that Wayne would use, and then give to various charities etc...to raise money.

Kind of interesting given today's hockey stick landscape

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outside of Aluminum the only sticks I recall being more than the traditional woodies which were $25ish..alaGretz's normal Titan TPM 2020 were the Jofa Black Shot, Titan Turbo (which I don't think he would ever use ) and the Koho Xl5 or something like that..which was almost as round as their gloves in that line..

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