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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Slim PS2 DVD Problem

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I was given a new PS2 (the slim version), but when I try to play DVD's I get a really bad picture.

The brightness comes in and out and and the picture is split in half.

I tried changing the settings and all the wire connections are secure.

When I play video games, the picture comes in perfect.

Anybody come across this problem or have any idea how to fix it?

Thanks in advance.

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When did you get this? I remember a bunch were recalled and you couldn't find any anywhere (something about rotor problems I think) but I know someone who got one from the "new" batch and they still can't get GTA: SA to work. PS2 has gone to balls because I still have the original and it's working as good as it ever has *knock on wood.*

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I got it for xmas, but I'm not sure when it was purchased.

I think it's past the warranty date, if I happen to have one from the bad batch, can I still exchange it?

Oddly enough, one of my buddies has one of the first gen. ps2's and his works fine.

EDIT: After doing some online searching, I think the problem has to do with my PS2 being hooked up through a VCR because of the anti-pirating technology on most DVDs. I'll just have to hook it up directly to my TV.

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