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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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E-bay Ethics

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Now I put up some skates on E-bay, the reserve was not met. I got an e-mail during the auction about whether someone could buy them outside of E-bay. I said not while they are up and I know selling them to a member without E-bay is frowned upon, but because mine didn't sell and are not on E-bay right now, is this an allowable action?

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If the auction is over and the reserve isn't met, I don't see why you shouldn't be able to sell them to that person. It is kind of a sketchy situation though. If the person had full intent of buying them for a price that you feel is fair, why wouldn't they just bid on them? I'd look into setting up a private listing and having the person buy through there, so you're still protected.

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I'm considering that, or throwing it up on a BIN at a certain time. He said he can't buy them till the end of the month so I am assuming it's 'payday" type thing.

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I'll pass on offers like that (outside of eBay). If they want to make a purchase, I'd still make a private auction for that person to buy it. At least there is some kind of agreement.

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Definitely. You don't have the protection of PayPal or Ebay regulations in case the guy doesn't pay.

I've had good and bad experiences in your same situation, but if you get burned there's no action you can take.

Did you already try the Sell Forum here?

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Just don't ship till the money arrives.

Yeah!!! Never do a COD, and usually Ask for anything but a personal check.

Definitely. You don't have the protection of PayPal or Ebay regulations in case the guy doesn't pay.

Ebay really offers no protection in regards to getting your money back/Protecting you. You Bid and Sell at your own risk at all times.

PayPal is pretty safe though.

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