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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mount St. Helens

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Damn, I was hoping I'd be able to see it but I guess I'm a little too far south.

Ya, I was thinking you might get rained ash on. In '80, some relatives that live in southern BC, got some of the ash on their driveway..it must've been wicked.

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I lived in Sicily when I was a kid and we could walk out the back gate of our apartment building and see the lava shooting out the top of Mt. Etna. There were a few days where we woke up to an inch of ash covering everything like black snow.

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Damn, I was hoping I'd be able to see it but I guess I'm a little too far south.

Ya, I was thinking you might get rained ash on. In '80, some relatives that live in southern BC, got some of the ash on their driveway..it must've been wicked.

my teacher at school aid that people in Ontario got a little bit of ash from it.

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