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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What temp to bake skates at home?

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you dont honestly expect people to actually spend all that effort on clickin search and typing in "Baking" or something similar instead of spending much less effort by creating a new thread and that little typing do you ? :D lol

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I personally hate to use the search because info gets out of date QUICK. For example, bake times for different brands. May have been 225 degrees for 7 minutes last year, but now may be 175 for 3 minutes, or NO bake at all.

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I personally hate to use the search because info gets out of date QUICK. For example, bake times for different brands. May have been 225 degrees for 7 minutes last year, but now may be 175 for 3 minutes, or NO bake at all.

Thank you jimmy. I have not decided about zak yet because I can't figure out weather he just can't speak english well or if he is like 12 years old. Anyway, I went with the 185 degree instructions as posted with the link. Did not seem to get them hot and floppy like you get at a LHS, but it worked out alright. I figure a good heat job only takes a handful of skates off the break-in time anyway.

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Thank you jimmy. I have not decided about zak yet because I can't figure out weather he just can't speak english well or if he is like 12 years old.

A simple click and his profile should say he's German.

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