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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best way to kill a hangover

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ive only had one hangover in my 50 something times drinking (big number for a 16 year old)......i always make shure to go to bed AFTER i cannot feel the alcohol, even if it takes til 5 A.M.

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ive only had one hangover in my 50 something times drinking (big number for a 16 year old)......

16!!! Man, Congrats....by the time you are 21 you will already be a full blown Alchoholic .

Nice Job


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A 2 am dennts breakfast and a sobe no fear energy drink in the morning always work for me

I always thought the breakfast at Dennys after last call was part of the problem.

I don't mind Denny's, but it really never helps with hangovers.

The best thing to eat after a night out is a greasy cheesesteak.

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ive only had one hangover in my 50 something times drinking (big number for a 16 year old)......

16!!! Man, Congrats....by the time you are 21 you will already be a full blown Alchoholic .

Nice Job


Trust me thats nothing.

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In the "old days" the way to kill it was to have more beer in the morning.

Does it work???

Hell if I know as I never had the stomach to try that test.

It definitely works, I can tell you that from experience and from a purely physiological approach as well. Part of the hangover comes from dehydration which causes muscle cramps and fatigue, but the other important contribution to your hangover is "withdrawal symptoms". As strange as it sounds, much like a junkie who just went cold turkey on heroin, you're experiencing withdrawal; granted, the symptoms are nowhere near as severe. A good way to cure the withdrawal symptoms is to introduce a small amount of alcohol into your system. This allows your body to gradually come off the "high" and gets rid of the feeling you get when you shock your system by going from pissed drunk to nothing. It's not much different than changing an addicts drug from heroin to methadone, the body is much better at handilng itself when slowly weened onto less intense drugs or lower doses then when you simply take the drug away.

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