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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Clicking In Wheels

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When ever I roller blade there is this clicking noise when i skate. Anyone no what it is, the answer's probably pretty obvoius but im a rollar blade hockey newbee.

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If tightening doesn't do it, you may need to fill the gap between the bearings and the chasis with some washers.

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Yeah, in my experiences, it has usually been that one of my axels was loose and just needed to be tightened. But if your bearings are crapping out, that could certainly cause it. If tightening the axle doesn't work, try cleaning and lubing your bearings, if nothing else it will make them spin smoother and faster

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I cleaned the bearings then tightend the axels back up, no more clicking now you cant hear me from a mile away. thanks for the help guys. this can be locked mods, if you like.

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When ever I roller blade there is this clicking noise when i skate. Anyone no what it is, the answer's probably pretty obvoius but im a rollar blade hockey newbee.

It's most likely your bearing spacers. They're supposed to support the bearings when the axle is tightened down, so the bearings don't cave in or distort. When they're too short to reach from one bearing face to the other, they rattle around without any function but noise.

It's pretty common.

If they're too long, the bearings don't seat properly in the wheel and the wheel pops left to right from one bearing seat to the other. eventually the bearing seats will get distorted and wheel will get sloppy and wobble some.

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It also could be that the hubs on your wheels are not holding the bearings tightly. I have a couple rink rats where if you turn the wheel on its side the bearing will fall out, so it clicks when it is in the chassis.

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