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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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well i think im going to get some new wheels. right now im using a graf swiss 703 size 11 regular and before that i wore a 704 size 11 regualr. before those i wore 652 kevlar tacks, vacutacks, and pump tacks. i really liked my old school tacks and the 704s, but now the 703s seem too narrow on my foot. most ccm skates now seem too wide. i tride on a pair of vapor XX and the D was too narrow and the EE seems a tad too wide. i have a few questions/concerns: what will the RBKs fit like, Vectors??? What do you think of Nike's??? Id like to try a pair of bauer's, preferably a supreme, something like an 8000, but not too interested in an 8090, any suggestions??? Grafs: is the G-series and the 700 series the same fit, just different outters??? if i like my 704s, but my 703s seem too narrow, any suggestions??? also where to and how much extra is a great white package??? black widow??? do they still make the black and brown graf package???? well could anyone please help???? any comments, thought, suggestions are welcomed, thank you guys

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I just ordered a pair of custom G3's on Thursday. I wanted to get custom leather, but they talked me out of it. It is a $150.00 option, but they told me that the leathers; specifically the white leather was not as durable. I stuck with the standard outer, bud am getting custom embroidery. The G series are the same design as the 7 series, except for the carbon outsole, and grimalid (Kevlar) outers.

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