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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey shops in/near fredonia ny

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I'm going there for a tourney this weekend and was wondering if anyone knows of any hockey shops in that area? (I know great skate is in amherst and I'm stopping by on my way down) thanks -Dan

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You're not going to find much of anything...A few supermarkets, a Timmy Ho's and a Burger King, but that's about it (or at least that's all I ever see when I'm down there). I suggest you get everything you need at Great Skate (and check the prices online before you go there - I have called them on some high sticker-prices in the past).

I assume you're playing at the campus rink; I hope you boys don't get stuck dressing in one of the small rooms there - I think I could probably piss from one corner across to the other. Good luck.

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if you go to jamestown which is like 30 min away there is a shop in there rink an one behide it...both very nice...i work there

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