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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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tps tkachuk

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This thread is similar to Opus22's about the Sakic/Nash. I need a lie 5 and there is a great sale on xn10s at Great skate.

Currently I use a Modano and have heard that Thachuks are Modano clones, yet the picture on the Great Skate website doesn't look like a Modano clone. My LHS doesn't stock Thachuks so I have no direct comparison to the Modano. How exact/similar is the Modano/Thachuk? For direct comparision I consider the Modano and the Inno Federov to be exactly the same. Pics would be great.

Any help would be appreciated.


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I can't find any differences from my Tkachuk Xn10 to any of my 4 Fedorov Inno blades. I've never had an actual Easton Modano stick, so I cant say anything about that.

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The Easton Modano and the Inno Federov are the same curve at least to me. If you're saying the xn10 Tkachuk and the Inno Federov are the same then you are saying the Tkachuk and the Modano are the same, for all practical purposes.

Thanks guys.

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Yea. From what I've heard the Modano and Fedorov are clones like you said. But I've never used one, so I couldn't say for sure.

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I've never seen a Fedorov, but from what I've read I thought the LIE was lower than a Tkachuk or Modo.

Keep in mind also, just in case, that the TPS Tkachuk is only a Modo clone on XN10's and sticks made within the last two years. Prior to '03 the TPS Tkachuk was a a dreadful, dreadful 100% flat heel curve. I also think the Easton Modo pattern has a degree more loft than the TPS Tkachuk. But they are so close they are for all intensive purposes a clone to one another.

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doesnt the tkachuk have a slightly closed face? as in negative loft?

great for back hands i guess.

On the older models yes but the newer models are the modano clones

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doesnt the tkachuk have a slightly closed face? as in negative loft?

great for back hands i guess.

On the older models yes but the newer models are the modano clones

2003 model if I remember correctly.

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is a Tkachuk on last years R8 not the new one, still the same, so liek a modano or did they change it since this thread?

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