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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok 5K OPS

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Well I decided to be a guineau pig and get a Reebok 5K OPS. Of course I'm the guy who swore I'd never buy a Nike piece of equipment many years ago, but anyway....

It's pretty well balanced which is more important to me than being superlight. From the catalogue review, I gathered that J.R. held one at the show and the best I can describe the Snakeskin finish is "interesting". It's not really grip, but not polarfibre either. Basically it's a bunch of little "slits" down the shaft. I can't get an impression just stickhandling in the living room but I'm looking forward to seeing how it feels in a game.

There is a small "Jofa ASD" logo on the bottom side of the shaft.

Another interesting find on the bottom of the shaft: A small sticker that has a 10-digit code that says, "Warranty void if removed". I'll try to throw up a pic of that later this weekend.

Really looking forward to giving it a whirl and eventually a review after 20-30 games.

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Didn't realize that the Vector OPS had the sticker also. I just found that out about 2 minutes ago from another local MSHer. Obviously I've never even picked one up.... ;)

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what pattern did you get - is it a clone?

I got a retail Datsyuk. Comparing it next to an easton Sakic, TPS Nash, and Inno Mogilny, I'd say it resembles the Sakic more closely than the others (with a lie of 6).

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I guess technically the prostock 6K would be considered the 2nd highest, but I'm not sure of the specs on that OPS. There are similarities and differences between the 5K and 7K according to the catalog spec sheet.

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