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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Switching Positions

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Hi all,

I'm having to switch positions from Centre to Left Wing. The reason: House season is done and I have a high school tourney Apr 8-10. I've never really played wing before so I don't know all the tricks or what a 'good' winger does. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

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i had to do that this season too, i had to switch from center to wing. it does take a little adjustment at first, knowing that you cannot freely move about the ice like a center can. but after a few games of palying on the wing, i got used to it...still would like to play center though

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As a winger, its much easier to have a lane to stay in. Defensively, stay between the hash and their d man on your side. When the puck is in the far side drift more towards the middle, your side you wanna be tight on the boards. When breaking out its really a matter of the system. Just don't drift or cheat too much, something I still tend to do as I'm goal happy.

If you have a d man that can rush, fall back and cover to keep things even when possible.

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a very simple way to look at it is to stay glued to their d-man in your zone and in their zone eaither be in the corner digging out the puck or around the front of the net looking for a rebound.

I know there is more to it, but this is a very simple way to look at it

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