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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Crazy Otto

Training for altitude

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Have any of you guys who've travelled to play hockey in higher altitudes noticed a difference? My daughter's U-19 team has advanced to the USA Hockey nationals, starting next week in Denver. They arrive on Tuesday, get one practice that night and then start playing games the following day.

Her coach has them doing a lot of off-ice stuff (cardio mostly) this week, followed by two practices a day this weekend.

What's the best way to train for the altitude change? Just curious. Most of the teams going to nationals will have the same disadvantage, except for a couple of Colorado teams (which aren't necessarily the strongest teams in the tourney anyway).

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Stop using caffeine and aspirin. They both keep your blood vessels coontracted for some time. By not using these things, blood will circulate better, & at least keep blood oxygen levels at their best. Cardio is the way to go.

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We go up there for games all the time. Drink LOTS of water. That's the main thing you'll notice, your mouth will become thirsty for water much faster than usual.

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