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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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HX-50 visor

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Thinking of getting one of these visors and I see all the ohl guys wear them and whatnot. I got a 4000 helmet and I notice that they kinda jut out a bit and I'm a bit worried that a stick's gonna get up there. I like the fact that you can replace the lenses at pretty cheap costs instead of buying a whole new visor. Any comments guys?

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I have one...I was worried about the space too but its pretty good...it actually doesnt come out too far and has great visibility

not as clear as the Oakleys but at $25 a pop you can play at ease not worrying about getting it scratched.

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the HX-50 for $25 ? where? :huh: ..might look into that.

I don't have my own but borrowed a buddy's for practice one night. It was definately heavier at first compared to the more simple variety of visors, something that you could get used ot though.

Good vision and very little fogging as I was wearing it. It's quite a high initial outlay for the visor, but has a good and effective interchangable system, and two replacements (RX-2) visors are available online for $35, its a pretty good deal IMO.

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the HX-50 for $25 ? where? :wacko: ..might look into that.

Sorry - i meant the replacement shields are about $25 / ea.

They come in two packs ($50 CDN for 2 replacement shields) - I just split a pack with a friend

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i just got it yesterday and I haven't played with it, but I do notice that it does weigh a slight bit more. But another question I have is what do you keep your helmets and visors safe with? I use a pillow case, but even still, my visor seemed to get scratched.

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i just got it yesterday and I haven't played with it, but I do notice that it does weigh a slight bit more. But another question I have is what do you keep your helmets and visors safe with? I use a pillow case, but even still, my visor seemed to get scratched.

since the visor is easily removable, i take that foam packaging they gave you in the Itech box and keep it in my bag. After games, I just wipe the visor clean and dry with a towel, and wrap it up in the foam

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