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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Avoiding Injuries on the Ice

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bvapor, sometimes you kind of have to take the hit...it's unavoidable. Dan_The_Man_16, good advice, That's what happened when i got my shoulder hurt, I was reaching to poke the puck out of the zone.

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One more thought - does all your equipment fit correctly? I don't know if that would be the problem, since it sounds like you've had injuries to all different parts of your body, but it could be the cause of some of the injuries especially stuff like shoulder injuries. Make sure you have good protection and that it all fits properly.

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Stop playing hockey :P

but no sometimes injuries just happen, take it from a guy who had two ACL surgeries in the last year and half...

go to the gym and bulk up and make sure u stretch well before every game

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