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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wrapping OPS

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Hi there.

Im gonna sell an OPS online and i have to ship it, so whats the best way to wrap it ?

i thought of some kind of foil, but im not sure and dont know which kind.


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Hey man, I wouldn't use foil. That is if you are referring to aluminum foil. I would use bubble wrap, or packing paper and do a tight candy-cane of packing tape around the entire stick. Or, if you have narrow boxes you can make a long cylinder and slide the stick in that way. Most often I just use the boxes other people have shipped sticks to me in.

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i believe its called 'saran wrap', just a bigger type which is used in the industry, not the kitchen

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modo's dead on...

I also do the same but sometimes add a cardboard template to the blade/hosel...

protects the blade very well and also gives the fedex guy in the warehouse the best slapshot

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Garbage bag and duct tape.

You've been watching the Soprano's reruns haven't you . . . :P

I know somebody's stick is going to end up at the bottom of the Hudson River.... :P

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what about those industrial strength plastic... looking for the right word... like thick saran wrap that they use to cover insulation/unfinished widows and doors with? i'm thinking some plastic wrap, use the industrial strength plastic stuff to cover that, wrap with tape and your set

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We always ship sticks wrapped in bubble wrap, and don't have any problems. I usually just roll the shaft in it, then but a few pieces of tape around the shaft, followed by a long strip down the end of the bubble wrap to stop anything catching on the wrapping, and then repeat for the blade. Another option is corrugated cardboard, but you'll need to cut several pieces as it's hard to roll that stuff against the grain.

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