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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Road Hockey Sticks

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I live in BC so I play road hockey pretty much year round and I go through sticks about every two weeks. I ve tried plastic blades and regular wood hockey sticks. Any ideas?


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Easton Z-ABS blades are great, IF you can skate on a 6 lie, which I cant, so I go through them about every month or so in the summer/fall. But I have friends who like the 6 lie and the blades last almost all summer/fall for them. Koho blades are very durable too. Cant say anything for CCM, but I plan to try them. Stay away from TPS ABS blades.

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I use the Koho ABS blades (usually a Jagr curve). If you keep your eye on the store shelves, you can usually pick them up on sale for less than $15 Cdn, so I stock up when I can - 3 or 4 at a time. The durability is good as well, so for me they're a good choice. They suit my game (wrist and snap shots, few slappers) and they're readily available even here on Vancouver Island.

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Just about any store that sells hockey gear should have them. I usually look in Sport Check first - they have them on sale most often and have a good selection of other blades (buy one, get 50% off the second blade), but sometimes Canadian Tire has them for a good price as well.

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