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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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mission he950 design change?

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hey guys, jus wonderin if anyone had herd the same as me that the mission he950 skates are being redesigned and the DNA lace eyelets are being converted to a metal rather than plastic

any news justin or anyone?

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Darn, I read your post quickly, and I thought you said that Mission is making the Heliums with normal metal eyelets, and replacing the DNA plastic system. I was gonna say, they do that, put regular eyelets in, I'll buy 2 pairs!

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Not happening on the 950s, but the second and third production 950's have the DNA eyelets redesigned (change the material they are made of), as well as changed some of the internals to make them even stronger....

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soooooo this means ther pretty much invincible now? cuz i sent mine back and im now waiting for this new production batch to come through with these changes.

wats the new material? is it stil plastic based?

cheers for your help.

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It is still plastic based, but it contains more nylon. Also, we changed the stitch count, which was causing the plastic to break. Just be a little bit cautious when heat fitting the skates. As the plastic heats up, the more of a chance for breakage.

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How common is the problem with the boots creasing? There's a kid at the arena I play at that had his 950's just fall apart in almost 2 months time. Not only was there the eyelet issue, but his boots creased down by the heel, causing them to fold unnaturally whenever he would lean to turn, etc. He's appr 5'7" and maybe 140 really soaking wet, in adult size 10, so I can't imagine him being too hard on the skate itself just due to his size

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Not happening on the 950s, but the second and third production 950's have the DNA eyelets redesigned (change the material they are made of), as well as changed some of the internals to make them even stronger....

Justin, are the warranty replacement 950's part of the "second or third" batch? I'm just curious because my replacements shipped out from your NY office on Friday.

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